Rotunda of St. George and St. Adalbert on Říp

Rotunda of St. George and St. Adalbert on Říp – a unique building at a unique place. The very first mention about it is from the year 1126, when czech duke Soběslav I. rebuilt previously destroyed chapel. It served as a parish church during the Middle ages. In 19th and 20th century was the rotunda significantly reconstructed, but the main mass is still the original Romanesque structure.

Our 3D model has been built thanks to cooperation with Římskokatolická farnost Roudnice nad Labem (

360° photos

Beside the photorealistic 3D model, you can now also take a look at the interior of the rotunda, or look around on the aerial picture. Thanks to 360° pictures. You can show them on a 3D model - by clicking on a new eye point, or directly by clicking on the images below.

Rotunda Interior

Aerial look around